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Truck Accident Case

How Can You Determine Fault in a Texas Truck Accident Case?

Texas highways see many collisions every year. Truck accidents can be more devastating than car accidents, leading to severe injuries and significant property damage. Determining fault in these cases is crucial for seeking justice and compensation for truck drivers and others on the road affected by truck accidents. 

Understanding Texas Traffic Laws and Regulations

Finding fault in a Texas truck accident case requires knowledge of Texas traffic laws and regulations. Understanding the rules of the road helps establish a baseline for determining fault. 

Factors such as speed limits, right-of-way rules, and signaling requirements play a pivotal role in deciding whether one or more parties involved in the accident violated these laws and caused the accident.

Commercial Truck Requirements

Texas has specific regulations governing the operation of commercial vehicles, including trucks. If you are a truck driver, familiarizing yourself with these regulations is crucial, as violations can significantly impact the determination of fault if you get into an accident.

Whether it’s adhering to weight limits, securing cargo properly, or following mandatory rest periods for drivers, any deviation from these standards could potentially contribute to a truck accident.

Evidence From the Scene

In the immediate aftermath of a truck accident, collecting evidence is crucial. Smartphones have become powerful tools for documenting the scene of accidents. Take photographs of the vehicles involved, road conditions, traffic signals, and any relevant signage. If there are eyewitnesses, gather their contact information, as their statements can be invaluable in determining fault.

In addition to photos, consider recording the events of the accident’s immediate aftermath, including any admissions of fault or apologies from the truck driver or other involved parties. Videos providing an objective record of what happened and who said what may serve as crucial evidence when building your case.

Analyzing Police Reports

Law enforcement officers often respond to the scene of an accident and file an official police report. These reports include statements from involved parties, witnesses, and the officer’s accident assessment. It is imperative to obtain a copy of this report and scrutinize it for inaccuracies or biases that may impact fault determination.

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) and “Black Box” Data

Many commercial trucks have installed Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) and event data recorders, commonly known as “black boxes.” These devices track crucial information like the truck’s speed, braking patterns, and engine data leading up to the accident. 

In cases where driver fatigue is suspected, ELDs can reveal whether the driver exceeded legal driving hours. This information is vital for establishing fault and holding the driver and their employer accountable for potential violations of federal and state regulations.

Truck Driver Violations

Examining the truck driver’s past and current conduct is pivotal to determining fault. Violations such as speeding, driving under the influence, or distracted driving can significantly influence the outcome of a case. In Texas, where commercial vehicles are subject to specific regulations, any breach of these rules may strengthen your position when establishing fault.

Distracted driving, in particular, has become a growing concern in recent years. With the prevalence of smartphones and other electronic devices, police often review the available information to investigate whether truck drivers used their phones before an accident, diverting their attention from the road. Phone records and witness statements can be instrumental in proving such negligence.

Vehicle Maintenance Records

Poorly maintained trucks pose an increased risk of accidents. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the proper functioning of critical components such as brakes, tires, and lights. Requesting and analyzing the truck’s maintenance records can shed light on whether negligence in upkeep contributed to the accident.

In some cases, maintenance records may reveal a pattern of neglect or deferred maintenance by the trucking company. This information is vital for establishing fault and demonstrating a systemic issue that may have contributed to the accident. Consulting with experts in truck maintenance can strengthen your case by providing a clear link between negligent maintenance practices and the resulting collision.

Employer Responsibility

In truck accident cases, the liability often extends beyond the driver to the trucking company. If the driver was operating the vehicle within the scope of their employment, the employer may be held responsible for the employee’s actions. Employer responsibility is particularly relevant when issues such as inadequate training, unrealistic schedules, or negligent hiring practices come to light.

Responsibilities and Damages in Texas

Texas follows a modified comparative negligence system, meaning that fault can be distributed among multiple parties. However, there’s a crucial factor: if the authorities determine you are more than 50% responsible for the accident, you may not be eligible to recover damages. 

In cases where both parties share responsibility, the court will determine the percentage of fault assigned to each party. This allocation directly impacts the amount of compensation a party can recover. Therefore, building a robust case that minimizes your share of the fault is paramount. 

The Alfred Firm Will Fight to Defend Your Rights

Navigating the complexities of fault determination in a Texas truck accident case requires a strategic and thorough approach. From understanding traffic laws to analyzing electronic data and scrutinizing maintenance records, every detail matters. By actively engaging in the investigative process with your lawyer, you can strengthen your position and pursue the compensation you deserve.

Remember, seeking legal counsel from an experienced Texas truck accident attorney is crucial in ensuring your rights are protected and justice is served. The Alfred Firm can help you navigate the law, build a compelling case, and face the complexities of the courtroom with confidence. Call us today at (713) 470-9714 for a free consultation.