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Can Victims of Flash Floods in Texas Seek

Can Victims of Flash Floods in Texas Seek Legal Compensation?

If I’m Injured in a Flood, or My Home is Damaged, Will My Insurance Cover My Costs?

Although they may not last long, flash floods can cause extensive and costly damage to your Texas home and even injure or kill you or your loved ones. Even a tiny amount of water in your home could cause tens of thousands of dollars of damage. If this happens to you and your family, you must explore all your legal options for obtaining due compensation.

If you do have flood insurance, you can file for a claim, but this is always a battle, and the insurance company will only pay what it must, which commonly isn’t enough to rebuild correctly. Flash flood victims often must file for disaster assistance or seek legal compensation by hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer who is well-versed in these cases.

Unfortunately, flood insurance is usually not included in most homeowners’ insurance policies. It is expensive and may not even be available in your area.

Homeowner’s insurance policies are often complicated to interpret, and getting the professional help of a Texas flood damage and injury lawyer can significantly help determine your legal options.

Even if you have flood insurance, the exact provisions of your policy and the scope of your coverage for injury or damages can be highly specific. Your thorough and knowledgeable lawyer is familiar with these policies and will often find loopholes or small contingencies that could get you the compensation you rightfully deserve.

What is the National Flood Insurance Program, and Can It Help Me Get Compensation After a Flood?

The National Flood Insurance Program, or NFIP, was established in the 1960s so that some property owners could purchase flood insurance to protect themselves and their homes.

The NFIP’s flood insurance program not only provides flood insurance, but their program may help you recover your losses more rapidly after the floodwaters recede.

This federal flood insurance program is available to homeowners and business owners in high-risk areas. You must have this insurance if you have a loan on your home or business from any federally regulated lender. The premiums for this type of insurance will vary according to the level of risk in your area.

For most people, flood insurance policies average around $700 and protect their homes for up to $250,000, which may not be nearly enough in today’s real estate market.

Additionally, a separate flood policy is needed to cover personal belongings, and these commonly provide coverage up to $100,000.
You may also receive up to $30,000 for other costs associated with complying with state and local regulations to repair and construct flood-damaged properties.

You should also note that practically all flood insurance policies have a mandatory 30-day waiting period before they take effect, so these policies must be in force well before the flood occurs.

Once again, it’s clear that getting your damages or injuries covered is always an issue, even with flood insurance. The help, guidance, and depth of knowledge of an experienced Houston, Beaumont, or Port Arthur flood insurance lawyer are mandatory to obtain the full coverage you rightfully deserve.

If I’m Physically Injured in a Flash Flood, Can I Receive Compensation?

You can sustain serious injuries in a flash flood (or many other natural disasters). However, these cases are usually legally complex and require the professional help of an experienced and highly knowledgeable personal injury law team.

Even if the disaster was an “Act of God,” you may be able to recover compensation if another person or company’s negligence or intentional action made the situation worse.

Although “Acts of God” such as flash floods, tornadoes, etc., are considered natural occurrences and cannot be prevented or controlled, your insurance may cover them (although, in most cases, they may attempt to deny coverage) if your policy is the right type.

If you don’t have the particular type of insurance coverage needed, you should consult a personal injury lawyer and let them thoroughly analyze your case.

Although the natural disaster could not have been prevented, it might have been made worse by the actions of another party. For example, if you experienced a flash flood because the town opened floodgates to alleviate high waters, they could be held responsible for your injuries. If you even suspect another party could have worsened a situation, your personal injury lawyer, familiar with these cases, will know how to file a suit to get you the fair compensation you deserve.

Keep in mind that although you may be due compensation, these cases are legally challenging, and the guidance and advice of your personal injury lawyer will prove invaluable to your success.

“Act of God” cases must always be handled by an experienced personal injury lawyer with the knowledge and experience to analyze all the facts in your case carefully.

If I Must File a Flood Claim, What Are the First Steps I Should Take?

If your home or other property has been damaged in a flash flood or other natural disaster, one of the most important things you must do is to document the damage extensively. This holds no matter what method you use to seek the compensation you deserve, such as filing an insurance claim, getting state or federal assistance, or hiring a qualified personal injury lawyer to file a lawsuit.

You should take as many videos as possible or photos of the damage throughout your home and property.

These photos and videos should include such things as;

  • Water or other damage to the walls and flooring.
  • Damage to your furniture and fixtures.
  • Any damage to the foundation or subflooring.
  • Damage to your carpets or wood flooring
  • Damage to your Car, RV, and gardening vehicles, such as lawn tractors and more.

Although the insurance adjuster will also usually inspect the damage, having detailed photos and videos is crucial to expediting your claim and substantiating the funds you are asking for.

If you or a family member has been injured, medical documentation, bills, and other out-of-pocket costs must also all be documented.

The more proof you have, the better your chances of getting total compensation for your losses. This can be an arduous process, and the prudent thing to do to ensure success is to obtain the valuable and professional help you need from an experienced personal injury lawyer in Houston, Beaumont, or Port Arthur.

I’ve Suffered Monetary and Injury Due To a Flash Flood; How Should I Proceed?

When your property has been damaged, or you’ve been injured by a severe Texas weather event or natural disaster, it’s critical to have the legal guidance and assistance of a skilled personal injury lawyer by your side. Your lawyer will fight throughout the process to ensure you obtain the compensation you are due.

The professional, experienced, and thorough personal injury lawyers at The Alfred Firm are passionate and dedicated to fighting for your rights and helping you comprehend all aspects of policy and the complex Texas laws.

Call them today for a full consultation on your case at 713-489-1875 and get the personal and empathetic legal representation you need at this trying time.

Whether your incident occurred in Houston, Beaumont, or Port Arthur, they will tirelessly work and manage your case to ensure you can start again with the total funds you need.