Houston Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys

Helping Clients Recover Damages Following an Accident Involving DUI

No one wakes up expecting to be involved in a car accident that day. What’s even less common is experiencing a drunk driving accident. However, for some individuals, the nightmare becomes a reality when a drunk driver collides with their vehicle. This can have serious repercussions, including physical injuries, extensive medical treatment, lost wages due to missed work, and even job loss. To make matters more difficult, some individuals do not have enough insurance to cover the damages. Other times, the insurance company refuses to pay victims the full compensation they deserve.

If a drunk driver caused an accident that has impacted you or your loved one, you should consider speaking with a personal injury lawyer right away. A drunk driving accident attorney can help negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company or pursue a personal injury lawsuit if necessary. Your lawyer will investigate the details of your case, including whether a bar or restaurant violated the Texas Dram Shop Act and served alcohol beyond what is legally permitted.

A drunk driving lawsuit can help victims recover punitive damages meant to punish the drunk driver and prevent future accidents. Accident victims may also be compensated for past and future medical bills, suffering, and lost income. In fatal accidents, the surviving family members could be reimbursed, at least in part, for funeral expenses.

Call our experienced legal team today if you have experienced a motor vehicle accident because of a Houston drunk driver. We offer a free consultation, so you have nothing to lose by reaching out to us at 713-489-1875.

What Are Texas Laws Regarding DUI?

Texas has several laws regarding drunk driving cases. Driving with any measurable alcohol in the system below age 21 is considered illegal. Adult drivers over age 21 may face fines and years in prison for driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. Drunk driving crashes can be very serious in nature, so laws regarding DUI are stringent and may result in punitive damages for accident victims, including driver’s license suspension.

Another important Texas law is the Texas Dram Shop Act. This piece of legislation is designed to discourage bars and restaurants from overserving alcohol, causing drunkenness, or serving alcohol to a minor. Clubs, sporting events, and other locations serving alcohol are subject to this Texas law and may owe damages to victims if a DUI accident occurs because of violations.

If your accident happened because of an inebriated driver, you should file a police report and consult with a drunk driving accident attorney for help establishing fault in your personal injury claim. Call our law firm today to get the assistance you need in recovering from your Houston drunk driving accident.

What Kinds of Car Accidents Are There?

The manner in which cars collide dramatically affects the severity of injuries. Some of the most severe accidents, head-on collisions, and T-bone collisions, often involve an intoxicated driver. This occurs because the drunk driver has a slower response time and cannot react fast enough to correct the vehicle before it enters oncoming traffic or an intersection.

  • Head-on collisions – Head-on collisions happen when two cars collide in opposite directions, such as when someone drives the wrong way down a one-way street or enters lanes of oncoming traffic. These are often fatal accidents because of the severity of the impact between the two vehicles.
  • T-bone crashes – In a T-bone crash, the two cars travel in perpendicular directions, meaning they form a T shape when they collide. These accidents also result in serious injuries and are often caused by drunk drivers.
  • Sideswipe accidents – These accidents happen when two cars collide while traveling in the same direction. They can also be serious, resulting in rollovers or other dangerous conditions.
  • Rear-end collisions – While rear-end collisions aren’t known as the most dangerous type of car crash, they can still result in painful injuries that require long, expensive recoveries.

What Are Some Common Causes of Auto Accidents in Houston, Texas?

Houston car accidents occur for many reasons, including:

  • Excessive speeding
  • Failure to yield the right of way
  • Failure to obey traffic signals
  • Poor visibility
  • Driver fatigue
  • Distracted driving, such as cell phone use or eating while driving
  • Drunk driving

The truth is that a drunk driving accident may occur for more than one reason. Additionally, fault can be shared in Texas if both drivers violated safe driving practices. If you were in a crash with a drunk driver, you need the help of a drunk driving accident lawyer to establish fault and collect the maximum compensation you deserve. Anytime someone is injured because of negligent parties, they deserve help collecting the damages they are owed. Call our law firm now for help getting a criminal conviction against the at-fault parties in your drunk driving case.

What Should I Do if I’m in an Accident with a Drunk Driver?

Whenever you’re in a car accident, you should follow a few steps to ensure you are safe and to help you avoid legal problems when recovering. Some things you must do to establish a strong personal injury case in an accident with a drunk or negligent driver are:

  • Stop at the scene of the accident
  • Offer reasonable aid to accident victims
  • Notify the authorities, such as the Houston police department
  • Exchange contact information with other involved parties
  • Seek immediate medical attention to ensure you don’t have underlying injuries caused by the DUI accident
  • Pay attention to signs that the other party is inebriated, such as slurred speech
  • Gather evidence, such as photos of the crash scene and contact information of eyewitnesses
  • Keep track of medical costs, including receipts and visit notes

What Injuries Typically Occur in Drunk Driving Accidents?

A Houston drunk driving accident can lead to devastating consequences. Because the drunk driver lacks the ability to stop or slow down, the vehicles may collide at high speeds that severely injure or kill the occupants of the other vehicle. A drunk driving car accident can cause permanent damage that affects your ability to work or live your life. If the victim was the family provider, this can have lasting financial consequences for surviving family members.

Some examples of common injuries seen in drunk driving accident cases include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries – Brain injuries include open and closed head wounds, concussions, and skull fractures. These damages may be life-threatening and cause permanent disability.
  • Spinal cord injuries – Damage to the spinal cord can cause chronic pain that prevents the person from returning to work or enjoying time with their family.
  • Bone fractures – Broken bones can be extremely painful and require long recoveries or expensive surgeries to correct.
  • Wrongful death – Unfortunately, the worst-case scenario involves the victim’s death. If your loved one died in a drunk driving accident, you have our deepest sympathies. Please reach out to our law firm for help recovering from this tragic incident.

How Is Liability Determined in an Automobile Accident?

Drunk driving accident victims often wonder how to prove that the drunk driver was responsible for the auto accident. An attorney can play a vital role in determining the cause of the accident by investigating the details of the crash. Our skilled attorneys will leave no stone uncovered when it comes to discovering whether a drunk driver is responsible for your injuries.

In most personal injury claims, specific requirements must be fulfilled for the at-fault party to owe compensation to a victim. For example, the other party must have owed you a duty of care, and their breach of duty must have directly caused serious injuries. In Texas, your compensation may be lowered if you share some of the fault, so hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer is critical to ensure you collect the maximum damages under the law.

What Compensation Am I Owed for My Injuries?

Every drunk driving accident case is different, so it is difficult to say exactly how much compensation you’ll receive for your injuries. Speaking with a lawyer in person is the best way to get an accurate estimate of the damages you can expect to recover. It is essential to understand that an insurance policy will usually not cover many expenses associated with your injuries, so contact a trusted attorney right away. In drunk driving accidents, this may include punitive damages and driver’s license suspension for the drunk driver.

Some other damages you could expect to recover include:

  • Past and future medical expenses, including doctor’s visits, ambulance ride costs, hospital charges, and rehabilitation
  • Chiropractor visits
  • Home renovations to accommodate accessibility for an injured victim
  • Past and future lost income, including salaries, bonuses, and vacation time
  • Decreased income-earning capacity
  • Lost income for a provider who passed away in an accident caused by an intoxicated driver
  • Past and future pain and suffering
  • Emotional pain
  • Mental distress, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of companionship
  • Punitive damages
  • Funeral expenses, within reason

What Options Do I Have if the At-Fault Party Has No Insurance?

Many times, the drunk driver’s insurance company fails to compensate victims for all of the damages incurred in the accident. Drunk drivers who have little or no insurance cause significant problems for victims who suffer financially because of the crash. However, there is still hope of making a financial recovery.

Working with an experienced drunk driving accident lawyer can provide multiple possibilities for compensation. You may be able to open a personal injury lawsuit against the establishment that provided the alcohol to the drunk driver or collect payment from your own insurance company. Call our law firm right away to explore your options and get the assistance you need at this critical time.

Why Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer Following My Car Accident?

Personal injury cases can be complicated, especially with Texas law, which allows for shared fault in the accident. Hiring an experienced attorney is crucial for the person injured in a drunk driving accident. The victim should get excellent legal counsel regarding their options as they seek compensation for the damages caused by the drunk driver.

An attorney can provide help in the following ways and more:

  • Investigating the accident to determine the cause of the crash
  • Bringing an insurance claim against the other driver
  • Providing evidence of the at-fault party’s breach of duty of care
  • Filing a criminal case that ensures justice is served against the drunk driver
  • Gathering evidence of medical bills and other damages to collect maximum compensation on behalf of the victim and their loved ones
  • Handling delicate legal matters so victims can focus on resting and recovering

Should You Hire Our Houston Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers?

Holding Houston drunk drivers accountable is the only way to minimize the pain and suffering caused by drunk driving accidents in the Lone Star State. When you need a drunk driving accident lawyer to pursue compensation for your injuries, you need look no further than The Alfred Firm.

Our team of attorneys is compassionate and helpful. We have built our legal practice on the principles of dedication and confidence learned on the football field and in serving countless clients during our years of experience. We promise to explain your options and answer your questions in terms you can understand so you will be a full participant in the legal process. We are formidable opponents in and out of the courtroom as we seek positive solutions with insurance companies and lawsuits.

Whether you need help negotiating with an insurance adjuster or filing a personal injury lawsuit, we will stand by your side to get you the results you need to protect your family and recover from this devastating incident. You can reach our dedicated, knowledgeable legal team at 713-489-1875.