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Steps to Take After Suffering a Work Injury in Texas

Where Do Workplace Accidents Most Commonly Occur?

Texas is home to workers with tireless work ethics and industries that demand a lot of their employees. While a personal injury accident could occur at just about any workplace, some jobs and workplaces are riskier than others, coming with a higher chance of injuries or accidents.

Some of the riskiest employment positions include:

  • Chemical industry work
  • Commercial fishing
  • Construction site work
  • Logging jobs
  • Oilfield work
  • Railway jobs
  • Transportation employment
  • Utility jobs
  • Warehouse working

What Are Common Types of Workplace Accidents and Injuries?

Various job settings and industries can be the locations where workplace accidents and injuries take place. If you’ve been injured on the job, it is vitally important that you seek emergency medical treatment and consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer to discuss your claim.

Common types of workplace injuries include:

  • Amputations or loss of limbs
  • Broken bones and bone fractures
  • Collisions with motor vehicles
  • Crushing injuries or caught in between accidents
  • Deep cuts or lacerations
  • Electrical injuries
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals and hazardous materials
  • Machinery accidents, commonly seen in construction and manufacturing industries
  • Neck injuries and whiplash
  • Occupational illnesses
  • Overexertion injuries
  • Repetitive strain injuries, which can happen even at desk jobs
  • Slips, trips, and falls
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Strains and sprains
  • Struck by falling objects
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Wrongful death

What Does Texas Law Say About Workplace Injuries?

If you’ve been injured in a workplace accident, it is essential that you understand Texas laws relating to such accidents. The state of Texas adheres to a no-fault workers’ compensation system. This means that injured workers are entitled to benefits and compensation regardless of who was at fault for the workplace incident. In most cases, workers’ compensation benefits cover medical bills, lost income, and rehabilitation costs.

It is worth noting, however, that workers’ compensation is not mandatory for Texas employers. Some employers may elect not to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Doing so leaves their employees potentially vulnerable in the event of a personal injury accident. If you work for an employer that does not carry workers’ compensation insurance, you may need to explore alternative options when seeking financial recovery for your workplace accident. One option available to you would be to file a personal injury lawsuit against your employer. It is highly recommended that you consult with an experienced personal injury attorney before filing such a lawsuit.

What Should You Do After Suffering an Injury at Work in TX?

You should take several steps after suffering a workplace injury or receiving a diagnosis of a workplace-related illness or contagion. If you follow these steps, you can strengthen your personal injury claim in the event that your employers or their insurance providers attempt to deny responsibility or dismiss your claim entirely.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Seek medical care from professionals immediately after discovering your injury or illness. It is important that you retain all copies of your medical records related to the injury or illness. Your personal injury attorneys can review your medical records to help evaluate the extent of your injuries while pursuing maximum compensation.

Report the Workplace Injury to Your Employer

You must notify your employers and supervisors as soon as you are able to do so following your workplace injury or illness. Immediate reporting proves that the harm you suffered was sustained during the course of your regular workplace duties and obligations.

Keep Track of Medical Expenses and Lost Wages

As you recover from your workplace accident, you must keep track of all expenses related to the incident. This includes medical bills, rehabilitation bills, lost wages, and more. Keep all receipts and written communications between you, your doctors, and your employers.

Complete a Workplace Accident Report and Ensure Your Supervisor Does the Same

It is vital that you complete a workplace injury report. OSHA provides these reports. The report will detail your identity, information related to your employer or supervisor, your injuries, things that could have been done differently to avoid injury, events leading up to the accident, what the victim was doing at the time of the accident, information about the medical treatment you received after the accident, and any previous injuries to the same body part. Ensure that your employers, supervisors, or managers fill out an incident report, too.

Adhere to All Recommended Medical Advice and Attend All Follow-Up Appointments

Personal injury victims must follow all medical advice their doctors and physicians provide. Ensure that you can attend all follow-up appointments and comply with the instructions ordered by your doctor. Failure to comply with the instructions laid out by medical professionals could result in your personal injury case being dismissed.

Don’t Return to Work Earlier Than Recommended by Your Doctors

Among the most common mistakes for injured workers is returning to work too early after their workplace accident. While your employer may be grateful, you could exacerbate your injuries and make your recovery more difficult.

Understand Your Workers’ Compensation Rights and Benefits

After you’ve taken the above steps, you may need to begin the workers’ compensation process in order to recover the medical benefits to which you are entitled. We recommend consulting with legal professionals before filing a workers’ compensation claim.

File an Injury Claim

With the help of our legal team, you can file your workplace injury claim with the Texas Department of Insurance. This legal claim includes all necessary documentation and information related to your accident.

When Should You Contact a Personal Injury Attorney?

Understanding your legal rights following a workplace accident is vital to recovering financial compensation for your injuries. The process can be complex, and insurance companies and employers may attempt to deny your claims or shift the blame onto your shoulders. If you are facing unfair treatment, it is highly recommended that you retain professional legal counsel from experienced Texas personal injury attorneys. Contact our law firm to schedule your free initial consultation today.

Contact Us to Request a Free Consultation with Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers Today

If you’ve suffered a personal injury or illness while on the job in Texas, you may face complicated steps for recovering adequate financial compensation for your ailments. It is highly recommended that personal injury victims retain professional legal representation from qualified attorneys soon after suffering workplace accidents. Our law office has years of experience representing clients in personal injury cases, and we would be proud to represent your interests in pursuing financial recovery. We Do the Work.

To learn more about how we may be of legal assistance to you during this difficult time, please contact us to schedule your free case evaluation today.713-489-1875.